[Read.0wPf] Emergency Management and Social Intelligence A Comprehensive All-Hazards Approach
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For effective preparedness, emergency managers must comprehend how a disaster impacts not only the physical infrastructure of the affected community but also the population. They must understand how the people interact with one another, how they interact with government, and how they react to the disaster event. In other words, they must have social intelligence. Emergency Management and Social Intelligence: A Comprehensive All-Hazards Approach provides a comprehensive framework for understanding a community before, during, and after a disaster in order to best mitigate the effect of a disaster on its people. After an overview of what we’ve learned and what we haven’t learned from past events, the book provides detailed case studies on a spectrum of disasters spanning a century, including hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, and oil spills. This context provides a framework for understanding a host of essential issues, including: The interplay between how people perceive people in their communities, the public policy which results from socially constructed views, and the issues which surface during and after disaster as a result The base logic of Social Intelligence which is rooted in the U.S. national security and intelligence apparatus The application of the intelligence cycle in emergency management and how to develop and understand situational awareness Baseline data points applicable to any community or jurisdiction and how they can be woven together to build on existing jurisdictional competence and real-time situational awareness How geographic information systems (GISs) are used in emergency management, along with their limitations and the different software programs available Modeling for disasters and how this helps the emergency management community plan for and respond to disasters How emergency managers can use social intelligence to build resiliency at the local level and harness preexisting community strength before, during, and after a disaster The insight presented in this volume supplies emergency managers, policy makers, and elected officials with a powerful blueprint for implementing social intelligence in any community or organization, maximizing the effectiveness of disaster recovery efforts. Equally important, this volume supplies emergency managers, municipalities, government organizations, and private sector entities with a framework to understand and identify social and economic fault lines in communities. This Page Intentionally Left Blank - caloes.ca.gov vi July 1 2009 organizations and facilitate the flow of emergency information and resources within and between the organizational levels. Recent Trends in California ... All Hazards Preparedness - NEHA CERT nehacert.org. Courses Available for Free Viewing. Programs recorded at NEHA AEC Conferences. Videos are made available for all in the interest of providing ... Aged Care Emergency Planning Aged & Community Services ... Welcome to the Aged Care Emergency Planning website New emergency evacuation resources. Providers are encouraged to read two new emergency evacuation resources for ... Resources Emergency Management Ontario The Resources Unit is responsible for maintaining the status of all assigned resources at an incident. It achieves this through: Overseeing the check-in of all resources Homeland Security 4.0: Overcoming Centralization ... ACCESS . Agreements of Cooperation in Communities to Enhance Safety and Security. CCMRF . Consequence Management Response Force. CIKR . Critical Infrastructure and ... EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN - Arizona Department of Education ... from the Federal Emergency Management ... management etc. This emergency response plan is based on the ... in the all-hazards approach. Emergency Management Planning Guide 20102011 Emergency Management planning documents Plan Purpose and Overview; Strategic Emergency Management Plan (SEMP) A SEMP establishes a federal government institution's ... Department of Public Safety Divisions Emergency Management coordinate efforts to protect lives and property; to prevent respond to recover from and mitigate all threats hazards and emergencies. Federal Emergency Management Agency - Wikipedia The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security initially created by Presidential Reorganization ... Emergency Management Institute - Independent Study (IS ... Glossary (Note: Sources indicated at the end of each definition are listed at the end of the glossary.) Active Shooter: An individual actively engaged in killing or ...
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